Monday, August 18, 2008

A weird little story

"So what is it that you most want?", he asked the young man.

The young man took 2 milliseconds, the time it takes for you to process what the other person has asked you.

He closed his eyes, he knew he didn't need to say anything else. The Giver would understand what he wanted.

Death, the sweet end he had waiting for, would now come to him. At last, he got what he had been waiting for.

And as the final moments of his existence neared, he opened his eyes. "Ha ha ha!", his laughter rang sonorously on The Giver's ears.

"You still didn't give me, you still didn't know me!", he jeered at him ruthlessly. "The Giver, Oh! The Giver!", he sang in derision.

And then he closed his eyes. Forever.

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